Selasa, 24 Agustus 2010


YEAR 2010

1. What is grand Tour in research?
The research is the translation of the English language research, which means the business or work to find the back which is done by a certain method and by careful, systematic and good to issues, which can be used remedy the problem solve or answer .
Scientific is research activities so that its implementation is guided by the ordinance or the scientific method and the stages in the research for perfection.
The study was based on the interests of mankind in terms of finding or determining the truth of a problem using the theory and accurate data so that it can be justified scientifically. To realize such a state that required a study or research in a specific period.
As revealed by Suhairi Arikunto that anyone who wants to improve the outcome for what is he tekuni, requires research . Research or the research itself is a scientific activity to find something a state or an issue in an attempt to develop science and making decisions and solving problems through the preparation of data collection, processing, analyzing data efficiently and effectively.

2.What is quantitative?
Quantitative research in accordance with the name of research that is required to use numbers, ranging from data collection, interpretation of these data, as well as performances from the result. Similarly, an understanding of the research conclusions will be good if also accompanied by charts, tables, charts, drawings or other display .
Quantitative research is a systematic scientific research on the part-bagain and phenomena as well as her relationships. Quantitative Research objectives are to develop and use mathematical models, theories and hypotheses associated with natural phenomena.
Quantitative research is widely used to test a theory, to present a description of facts or statistics, to show the relationship antarvariabel, Quantitative research includes any research that is based on the calculation
percentage, average and other statistical calculations. In other words, quantitative research involved in the calculation or number or quantity.

3.What is qualitative?
Qualitative approach is a process research and understanding which is based on a methodology to investigate human social phenomena and problems. In this approach, researchers create a complex picture, examine the words, reports detailed views of respondents, and do some research on natural circumstances .
Qualitative research is research which is used to request that information is explained in the description, so that data can not be realized in the form of numbers but the shape of an explanation that describes the conditions, processes, certain events.
Qualitative research methodology is a procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of words written or verbal from the people and observed behavior.
So the qualitative research conducted in natural conditions and character of the invention. In qualitative research, the researcher is the key instrument. Therefore, researchers should have packed a broad theory and insights so you can ask, analyze, and construct the object under study becomes clearer. This study emphasizes more on the meaning and value attached. Qualitative research is used if the problem is unclear, to know the hidden meaning behind it, to understand social interactions, to develop theories, to ensure the truth of the data, and researching the history of the development.

4.What is different between the quantitative and qualitative?
Social research, research issues, themes, topics, and research titles are qualitatively and quantitatively different. Both substantial and material both studies were different based on the philosophical and methodological. Quantitative problems more common to have a large area, the variability of complex but located on the surface. However, qualitative problems berwilayah in a narrow space with a low level of variation but has an infinite depth discussion.
The fundamental difference between quantitative and qualitative research can be explained by four aspects, namely: assumptions, research objectives, approaches, and the role of researcher .
Assumptions. Quantitative research typically associated with numerical data and are objective. Facts or observed phenomena have objective reality that can be measured. Research variables can be identified and intercorellation variables can be measured. Quantitative researchers use a side view to studying the subject that he researched (ethics). The advantages of quantitative research lies in the methodology used.
Qualitative research tends to use the text data that are subjective. Constructed reality that is studied in accordance with social values of participants (research subjects), thus the meaning of reality in accordance with the understanding of participants' (emic). Qualitative research has woven a complex variable and difficult to measure.
Objective. Quantitative research has a purpose menjeneralisasi research findings that can be used to predict the same situation in other populations. Quantitative research is also used to explain the causal relationship between the variables studied. Unlike quantitative research, qualitative research aims to explain the contextual realities, interpretations of the phenomenon that caught the attention of researchers and participants to understand the perspectives of health problems.
Approach. Quantitative research begins with theories and hypotheses. Researchers using the techniques of manipulation and control variables through a formal instrument to view the interaction of causality. Researchers try to reduce the data into a numerical array then he performed an analysis of the research component (variable). Conclusion by deduction and establish a consensus norm.
Qualitative research does not require any hypothesis, it is sometimes ended with the hypothesis. Formulation of theory based on data that has been saturated (grounded theory). Researchers using drawing techniques (portrayal) is naturally the phenomenon that appears at the same time he was a research instrument itself. The induction conclusion by finding one of the prevailing pattern of the plurality and complexity of the norm. Language is packed with descriptive research.
The role of the researcher. In quantitative research, the researcher is accepted as an observer ideal research subjects who are not affected and impartial (objective). While qualitative research partisanship and instead require the involvement of researchers so that he can understand (empathy), the situation of research participants in a holistic manner.

5.Why is Islam fragment?
Prophet Muhammad explained that Muslims would be divided at the end of the age-divide among hadith Anas bin Malik, the Prophet said: "Truly the Israelites divided-divided into seventy-one, and indeed this Ummah will be divided, split into seventy-two, all in Hell except one, and he is jama'a. "(Narrated by Ibn Majah: 3989), classed as saheeh by Shaykh al-Albani in Saheeh Ibn Majah 2/364)
What is meant in this hadith jama'a is returned to the haq, or as described by the Prophet to those who are grounded to the Sunnah of the Prophet on that day and the Sunnah of the Sahaba. As for the causes outlined Muslims split because the two goals of the Muslim community itself internally (internal) and Muslims from outside (external) .
Internal factors
Since the prophet Muhammad died many religious issues and disputed muamalah Muslims are increasingly becoming a problem-so in the final period khulafaurrasyidin. so the emergence of many movements for Understanding the differences in practice their religion. differences in its development not only in religious issues alone but also in political issues that split people can not be avoided.
External factors
Rapid development of Islam more or less raised fears among the unbelievers so they are always trying to undermine the development of Islam are many ways they are doing. there who pretend to convert to Islam but with the aim to destroy Islam from within, there is a direct through war, there are pretending to be a scholar who actually makes Muslims more confused.

6.Was Muhammad a prophet like the Prophets in the Bible? Elaborate according to Al Quran and Hadist.
Muhammad is the last prophet in Islam which recognizes his prophecy is one of the requirements to be called as a Muslim, as contained in the creed. In Islam Muhammad is not positioned as a bearer of a new doctrine, but the finale of the series of prophets which were revealed earlier. Apart from the high status as a Prophet, Muhammad in Islam's view was an ordinary human. But every word and behavior in life is the ideal form of trust a Muslim. Therefore in terms of Islam known collection of Hadith ie sayings, deeds, assessment and approval of Muhammad. Hadith is the main text which is the source of the second law of Islam after the Qur'an.
Muhammad was born in Mecca on 12th Rabi-Beginning of the Year of Elephant (571 BC). He was born in the middle of the Quraish tribe in the days of ignorance, in the life of the desert tribes, warlike and idolatry. The birth of Prophet Muhammad and the truth according to what is contained in the Gospel of Barnabas claims that Jesus predicted the coming of Prophet Muhammad, so that fits with the Qur'an Ash-Syaff paragraph 6 which states:

And (remember) when Isa Ibn Maryam said: O Children of Israel, I am a messenger of Allah unto you, confirming the book before me, That is the Torah, and giving khabar happy with the (coming), an Apostle who will come after me, whose name is Ahmad (Muhammad ). " And when the messenger came to them with real evidence, they said: "This is mere magic .”

Ahmad is another name of Muhammad. A passage linking the Islamic scientific tradition Qur? Of these New Testament references to the Paraclete (John 14:16, 14:26, 15:26, 16:7). The Greek word "Paraclete" can be translated as "Comforter", and in the Christian tradition, this word is said to refer to the Holy Spirit. Some Muslim scholars have noted similarities to the Greek word "periklutos" which can be translated as "admirable"; or in Arabic, "Ahmad ".
The name "Muhammad" is often mentioned explicitly in the Gospel of Barnabas, as in the following quote: "Jesus answered:` The name of the Messiah is admirable, because God himself has given that name when he created the soul, and place them in heavenly glory. God said: "Wait Muhammad; for you, I will create paradise, the world, and so many creatures, which I will hand it to you as a gift, so that whoever memberkai you, he will be blessed, and those who curse you, he will be cursed. When I sent you into the world, I will send thee as my messenger of salvation, and your words will become reality, so that even if heaven and earth shall fail, your faith will never fail. "Muhammad is the name of the blessing." Then the crowd lifted their voices and said, `O Allah, send us thy messenger: o the Blessed, came soon after the peace of the world!" Barnabas 97:9-10. Italian Manuscript replace "the Blessed" with "Muhammad ".

7.What do Muslim do on the Pilgrimage to Mecca? Elaborate
Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam after the confession of faith, prayer, alms and fasting. Pilgrimage is a form of an annual ritual held capable of Muslims worldwide (material, physical, and scientific) to visit and carry out several activities in several places in Saudi Arabia at one time known as the Hajj season (the month Dhu al-Hijjah). This is different to worship Umrah can be at any time.
There are several types of implementation of the pilgrimage in terms of how its implementation is as follows :
Haji ifrad, means alone. Implementation of the pilgrimage is called if a user intends ifrad segregate, either isolate or segregate Umrah pilgrimage. In this case, the precedence is the hajj. That is, when wearing ihram on his miqat, these people intend to perform Hajj first. If the pilgrimage is completed, the person wearing ihram again to perform Umrah.
Hajj tamattu ', has a sense of fun or to relax by doing' Umrah in the month of first-bulah pilgrimage, others bertahallul. Then again wearing ihram to perform Hajj, the same in the year. Tamattu 'can also mean to practice their religion in the months and in the same year, without the prior return to the country of origin.
Haji qiran, means to combine, unite or menyekaliguskan. The meaning here is to unite or menyekaliguskan berihram to perform Hajj and Umrah. Haji qiran done by staying dressed since miqat makani ihram and perform all the pillars and the obligatory pilgrimage to finish, although it may take a long time. According to Abu Hanifah, perform Hajj qiran, means doing two and two Sa'i thawaf.
The phase of the Hajj pilgrims passed by the time the order is as follows: Before 8 Dhu al-Hijjah, Muslims from around the world began in great to perform Tawaf of Hajj at Masjid Al Haram, Makkah.
On the 8th of Dhu al-Hijjah, pilgrims spent the night in Mina. On the morning of 8 Dhu al-Hijjah, all Muslims wear ihram (two pieces of cloth without a seam as a pilgrim clothes), then going to hajj, and the reading of Talbiyah. Pilgrims then go out to Mina, so that at night all the pilgrims to stay overnight in Mina.
On the 9th of Dhu al-Hijjah, the following morning all the pilgrims go to Arafat. Then the pilgrims perform Wukuf worship, namely silence and prayer in this vast wilderness until Maghrib come. When night came, pilgrims headed and overnight Muzdalifah.
On 10 Dhu al-Hijjah, after a morning at Muzdalifah, pilgrims rushed to Mina to perform worship Jumrah Aqabah, ie stone throwing seven times to the first pillar as a symbol of casting out demons. After shaving the hair or part of the hair, can Tawaf Hajj pilgrims (Hajj completed), or spend the night in Mina and perform jumrah connection (Ula and Wustha).
On 11 Dhu al-Hijjah, throwing jumrah connection (Ula) in the first pillar, the second pillar and third pillar.
On 12 Dhu al-Hijjah, throwing jumrah connection (Ula) in the first pillar, the second pillar and third pillar. Before returning to their respective countries, pilgrims perform thawaf Farewell (thawaf separation) .

8.What are the divisions among Sunni and Shii Muslim? Elaborate
When we talk about the Sunni and Shii, this conversation feels like peeling a cabbage: the deeper you peel, then you will never find the end, even until the cabbage that you peel out until the last sheet. The debate between Sunni and Shii has been going on since the 8th century and never discovered until the end of the 21 st century now. Between them there is almost no difference in the outline of good faith and worship. Then why do Muslims split into these two categories.
Although today we know that a little difference between Sunni and Shii is a fundamental-ie of the creed and ideology, but the root of the problem itself was only a trivial political issue. When the political currents of Islam in the 7th century to flow into two branches, people are forced to choose: standing up for Ali ibn Abu Talib, or to the conditions was the son of Abu Sufyan .
So it is clear that a very fundamental difference between these two streams is not the same at the point of view on the problem of leader or Imamate (the authority of the political leadership after the Prophet's death). If the Sunni view that the task of Islamic treatise successor after the death of the Apostle are the companions in general, while among Shii argued that this task can not be carried by any friends, but they should be from the Ahl al-Bayt (family of Prophet Muhammad). Because they believe that only the Ahl al-Bayt who have "special characteristics" which have been specified by the verses of the Quran and hadith, such as the superiority of science and cleanliness of their souls and hearts of all the shortcomings and sins that are not owned by the companions of the other prophets.

9.What are the divisions among Ahmadiyah and Muhammadiyah? Elaborate
Ahmadiyya, a Muslim Jamaat founded by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835-1908) in 1889 in a small village called Qadian, Punjab, India. Ahmadiyya Pakistani establishment led by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835-1908), with the background there are three factors. First, British colonialism in South Asia. Second, the setbacks of life of Muslims in all fields. And third, the process by the Christian missionaries. From the historical background, the emergence of similar birth Ahmadiyya Muhammadiyah .
If seen from the history, the Ahmadiyah was founded by people coming from two major Islamic groups in Indonesia, namely Nahdhatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah. In the Muhammadiyah congress in Solo in 1929, the Legal Affairs Committee of Muhammadiyah said that any who believe in the existence of the prophet after Muhammad are considered infidels. Although not explicitly mention the Ahmadiyah, a fact since this statement was issued relationship between Muhammadiyah and Ahmadiyya be broken.
The development of teaching was not to be receding with the Legal Affairs Committee of Muhammadiyah fatwa. In 1930, the colonial government gave recognition to the Ahmadiyya. In addition Djojosoegito chairman, there is a Erfan Dahlan as a board. Erfan H Achmad Dahlan was the son of Dahlan (founder of Muhammadiyah) who learns about the Ahmadiyya in Lahore and then to develop the flow in Thailand

10.Write the Al Fatihah verse in English
  1. In the name of god, the most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
  2. Praise be to God, the Lord of the Universe.
  3. The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
  4. Master of the Day of Judgment.
  5. You alone we worship, and You alone we ask for help
  6. Guide us to the straightway;
  7. The way of those whom you have blessed, not of those who have deserved anger, nor of those who stray.

Rabu, 18 Agustus 2010


Penelitian Kuantitatif Versus Penelitian Kualitatif

Statisticians try to measure IT
Experimentalists try to control IT
Evaluators value IT
Interviewers ask questions about IT
Observers watch IT
Participant observers do IT

-- from Halcolm’s Evaluation Laws

Debat di kalangan peneliti mengenai kebenaran relatifitas antara penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif telah berlangsung sejak lama (Patton, 1990). Perdebatan berfokus pada perbedaan landasan filosofis dan paradigma yang digunakan pada kedua metode penelitian tersebut.
Para peneliti pro kuantitatif berorientasi pada logika positivisme yang dipelopori oleh August Comte (abad ke-19). Pandangan positivisme meyakini bahwa hanya pembuktian secara logis-empiris saja yang diterima sebagai satu-satunya kebenaran ilmiah (Lubis, 2004). Mereka berkeyakinan bahwa suatu fenomena tidak terjadi secara kebetulan namun oleh karena adanya sebab-akibat (Loiselle & McGrath, 2004).

Sedangkan peneliti pro kualitatif memiliki keyakinan “anti-positivisme”. Mereka mengkritisi budaya ilmiah yang obyektif, mekanistis, linear dan universal serta pandangan ilmu pengetahuan yang berkesatuan (unified science) dan bebas nilai. Menurut Thomas Samuel Kuhn (1922-1996), ilmu pengetahuan selalu dimuati oleh asumsi-asumsi lain. Misalnya asumsi tentang realitas juga bersinggungan dengan realitas sosiologis dan epistemologis (Lubis, 2004).

Beberapa peneliti mengatakan bahwa salah satu metode penelitian lebih baik atau lebih ilmiah dibanding metode lainnya. Mereka menganggap mazhab penelitian yang ia anut adalah paling shahih dan tidak dapat diganggu-gugat. Dalam buku Qualitative Data Analysis, Miles dan Huberman (1994), mengutip pernyataan seorang peneliti kuantitatif, Fred Kerlinger, "There's no such thing as qualitative data. Everything is either 1 or 0" (hal. 40). Pada halaman yang sama peneliti lain, D. T. Campbell, memberikan penegasan yang berlawanan dengan Fred Kerlinger, "all research ultimately has a qualitative grounding" (hal. 40). Kedua pernyataan konfrontatif tersebut dapat dikatakan sebagai sebuah ketidakproduktifan yang mendasar (essentially unproductive), karena banyak peneliti lain telah sepakat metode penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif dapat digunakan secara bersamaan. Keduanya dapat saling mengisi keterbatasan masing-masing dan memperkaya perspektif peneliti dalam mengungkapkan fenomena yang diteliti (Streubert, & Carpenter, 1999; Denzin & Lincoln, 1994; Doornbos, 2001). Walaupun keberhasilan dalam mengkombinasikan dua metode penelitian tersebut tergantung pada kemampuan dan pengalaman peneliti (Patton, 1990).

Misalnya, penelitian epidemiologi dan uji klinik bertujuan untuk menguji kemaknaan hipotesis. Peneliti mencoba berpikir secara mekanis dan dalam menggambarkan fenomena penelitian ia menggunakan pola pikir deduksi dan rasional patofisiologi. Implikasi pertanyaan dalam metode penelitian kuantitatif tersebut adalah pertanyaan whether (misal: apakah sebuah intervensi memiliki efek penyembuhan yang bermakna?) dan how much (misal: seberapa besar pengaruh faktor risiko tertentu terhadap kejadian suatu penyakit?) (Battista, Hodge, & Vineis, 1995).
Namun kadangkala peneliti membutuhkan jawaban interpretatif guna menjelaskan fenomena sosial yang abstrak dan tidak mudah diukur. Misal: makna dan pengalaman sakit bagi seseorang atau keluarga, dalam hal ini penelitian kualitatif tidak bisa menggunakan pertanyaan whether atau how much, tetapi akan lebih tepat menjelaskan fenomena dengan pertanyaan apa (what), bagaimana (how) dan mengapa (why) (Sofaer, 1999). Oleh karena itu, penelitian kualitatif lebih sesuai untuk menggali fenomena sosial, emosional, dan pengalaman seseorang dalam konteks pelayanan kesehatan (Giacomini & Cook, 2000)

Menurut Glesne & Peshkin (1992), perbedaan mendasar antara penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif dapat dijelaskan melalui empat aspek, yaitu: asumsi, tujuan penelitian, pendekatan, dan peran peneliti.

Asumsi. Penelitian kuantitatif memiliki ciri khas berhubungan dengan data numerik dan bersifat obyektif. Fakta atau fenomena yang diamati memiliki realitas obyektif yang bisa diukur. Variabel-variabel penelitian dapat diidentifikasi dan interkorelasi variabel dapat diukur. Peneliti kuantitatif menggunakan sisi pandangannya untuk mempelajari subyek yang ia teliti (etik). Keunggulan penelitian kuantitatif terletak pada metodologi yang digunakan.
Penelitian kualitatif cenderung menggunakan data teks yang bersifat subyektif. Realitas yang dipelajari dikonstruksikan sesuai dengan nilai sosial partisipan (subyek penelitian), oleh karenanya pemaknaan realitas sesuai dengan pemahaman partisipan (emik). Penelitian kualitatif memiliki jalinan variabel yang kompleks dan sulit untuk diukur.

Tujuan penelitian. Penelitian kuantitatif memiliki tujuan menjeneralisasi temuan penelitian sehingga dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi situasi yang sama pada populasi lain. Penelitian kuantitatif juga digunakan untuk menjelaskan hubungan sebab-akibat antar variabel yang diteliti.
Berbeda dengan penelitian kuantitatif, penelitian kualitatif bertujuan untuk menjelaskan realitas secara kontekstual, interpretasi terhadap fenomena yang menjadi perhatian peneliti dan memahami perspektif partisipan terhadap masalah kesehatan.

Pendekatan. Penelitian kuantitatif dimulai dengan teori dan hipotesis. Peneliti menggunakan teknik manipulasi dan mengkontrol variabel melalui instrumen formal untuk melihat interaksi kausalitas. Peneliti mencoba mereduksi data menjadi susunan numerik selanjutnya ia melakukan analisis terhadap komponen penelitian (variabel). Penarikan kesimpulan secara deduksi dan menetapkan norma secara konsensus. Bahasa penelitian dikemas dalam bentuk laporan.

Penelitian kualitatif tidak memerlukan hipotesis, justru kadang-kadang diakhiri dengan hipotesis. Perumusan teori berdasarkan data yang telah tersaturasi (grounded theory). Peneliti menggunakan teknik penggambaran (portrayal) secara alamiah terhadap fenomena yang muncul sekaligus dirinya merupakan instrumen penelitian itu sendiri. Penarikan kesimpulan secara induksi dengan menemukan salah satu pola yang berlaku dari pluralitas dan kompleksitas norma. Bahasa penelitian dikemas secara deskriptif.

Peran peneliti. Dalam penelitian kuantitatif, peneliti secara ideal berlaku sebagai observer subyek penelitian yang tidak terpengaruh dan memihak (obyektif). Sedangkan penelitian kualitatif justru memerlukan keberpihakan dan keterlibatan peneliti agar ia dapat memahami (empati) situasi partisipan penelitian secara holistik.

Akhirnya, pilihan metode yang digunakan sangatlah bergantung pada kepentingan peneliti. Kita tidak bisa mengklaim bahwa paradigma penelitian yang kita anut lebih ilmiah dibanding pandangan orang lain. Secara implisit Hukum Evaluasi Halcolm menekankan bahwa pilihan metode yang tepat harus sesuai dengan tujuan yang peneliti inginkan. Selain itu, pilihan metode penelitian perlu mempertimbangkan pengalaman, ketertarikan peneliti, populasi yang akan diteliti, waktu, biaya, tenaga dan sumber daya peneliti lainnya. Agaknya kita perlu sepakat dengan ungkapan Glesne dan Peshkin (1992): different approaches allow us to know and understand different things about the world.

Battista, R.N., M.J. Hodge, & P. Vineis. 1995. Medicine, practice and guidelines: the uneasy juncture of science and art. J. Clin. Epidemiol. 48: 875-80.
Denzin, N.K. & Lincoln, Y.S. 1994. Entering the field of qualitative research. In N.K. Denzin & Y.S. Lincoln (Eds), Handbook of Qualitative Research. Thaousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Doornbos, MM. 2001. The 24-7-52 Job: Family Caregiving for Young Adults With Serious and Persistent Mental Illness. Journal of Family Nursing 7(4): 328-44
Giacomini, M. & D.J. Cook. 2000. A User's Guide to Qualitative Research in Health Care. JAMA. July 26; 284(4):478-82
Glesne, C. & A. Peshkin. 1992. Becoming Qualitative Researchers: an Introduction. White Plains, NY: Longman.
Loiselle, C.G. & McGrath, J.P. 2004. Canadian Essentials of Nursing Research. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Lubis, A. Y. 2004. Filsafat Ilmu dan Metodologi Posmodernis, Bogor: AkaDemiA.
Miles M, & Huberman M. 1994. Qualitative Data Analysis. London: Sage Publications.
Patton, M.Q. 1990. Qualitative Evaluation and Research Methods 2nd Ed. California: Sage Publications.
Sofaer, S. 1999. Qualitative methods: what are they and why use them? Health Serv. Res. 34: 1101-18.
Streubert, H.J. & Carpenter,D.R. 1999. Qualitative Research in Nursing Advancing the Humanistic Inperative 2nd Edition. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Comp.

sumber : sanky

Apa perbedaan Penelitian Kualitatif dengan Penelitian Kuantitatif ?

Pengertian Penelitian Kualitatif

Menurut Strauss dan Corbin (1997: 11-13), yang dimaksud dengan penelitian kualitatif
adalah jenis penelitian yang menghasilkan penemuan-penemuan yang tidak dapat dicapai
(diperoleh) dengan menggunakan prosedur-prosedur statistik atau cara-cara lain dari
kuantifikasi (pengukuran). Penelitian kualitatif secara umum dapat digunakan untuk
penelitian tentang kehidupan masyarakat, sejarah, tingkah laku, fungsionalisasi organisasi,
aktivitas sosial, dan lain-lain. Salah satu alasan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif adalah
pengalaman para peneliti dimana metode ini dapat digunakan untuk menemukan dan
memahami apa yang tersembunyi dibalik fenomena yang kadangkala merupakan sesuatu
yang sulit untuk dipahami secara memuaskan.
Bogdan dan Taylor (1992: 21-22) menjelaskan bahwa penelitian kualitatif adalah salah satu
prosedur penelitian yng menghasilkan data deskriptif berupa ucapan atau tulisan dan perilaku
orang-orang yang diamati. Pendekatan kualitatif diharapkan mampu menghasil kan uraian
yang mendalam tentang ucapan, tulisan, dan atau perilaku yang dapat diamati dari suatu
individu, kelompok, masyarakat, dan atau organisasi tertentu dalam suatu setting konteks
tertentu yang dikaji dari sudut pandang yang utuh, komprehensif, dan holistik. Penelitian
kualitatif bertujuan untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang sifatnya umum terhadap kenyataan
sosial dari perpektif partisipan. Pemahaman tersebut tidak ditentukan terlebih dahulu, tetapi
didapat setelah melakukan analisis terhadap kenyataan sosial yang menjadi fokus penelitian.
Berdasarkan analisis tersebut kemudian ditarik kesimpulan berupa pemahaman umum yang
sifatnya abstrak tentang kenyataan-kenyataan (Hadjar, 1996 dalam Basrowi dan Sukidin,
2002: 2)
Konsep dan Ragam Penelitian Kualitatif
Istilah penelitian kualitatif menurut Kirk dan Miler (1986: 9) pada mulanya bersumber pada
pengamatan kualitatif yang dipertentangkan dengan pengamatan kuantitatif. Pengamatan
kuantitatif melibatkan pengukuran tingkatan suatu ciri tertentu. Untuk menemukan sesuatu
dalam pengamatan, pengamat harus mengetahui apa yang menjadi ciri sesuatu itu. Untuk itu
pengamat pengamat mulai mencatat atau menghitung dari satu, dua, tiga dan seterusnya.
Berdasarkan pertimbangan dangkal demikian, kemudian peneliti menyatakan bahwa
penelitian kuantitatif mencakup setiap penelitian yang didasarkan atas perhitungan
persentase, rata-rata dan perhitungan statistik lainnya. Dengan kata lain, penelitian kuantitatif
melibatkan diri pada perhitungan atau angka atau kuantitas.
Di pihak lain kualitas menunjuk pada segi alamiah yang dipertentangkan dengan kuantum
atau jumlah tersebut. Atas dasar pertimbangan itulah maka kemudian penelitian kualitatif
tampaknya diartikan sebagai penelitian yang tidak mengadakan perhitungan. Pemahaman
yang demikian tidak selamanya benar, karena dalam perkembangannya ada juga penelitian
kualitatif yang memerlukan bantuan angka-angka seperti untuk mendeskripsikan suatu
fenomena maupun gejala yang diteliti.
Dalam perkembangan lebih lanjut ada sejumlah nama yang digunakan para ahli tentang
metodologi penelitian kualitatif (Noeng Muhadjir. 2000: 17) seperti : interpretif grounded
research, ethnometodologi, paradigma naturalistik, interaksi simbolik, semiotik, heuristik,
hermeneutik, atau holistik, yang kesemuanya itu tercakup dalam klasifikasi metodologi
penelitian postpositivisme phenomenologik interpretif.
Berdasarkan beragam istilah maupun makna kualitatif, dalam dunia penelitian istilah
penelitian kualitatif setidak-tidaknya memiliki dua makna, yakni makna dari aspek filosofi
penelitian dan makna dari aspek desain penelitian